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Do-It-Yourself Giant Gummy Cola Bottle - is an easy recipe for everyone. If you want to know how to make Giant Gummy Coca-Cola Bottle - just follow my video cooking tutorial step by step.
What you will need:
For the DIY bottle form - Coca-Cola Bottle (500 ml) and scissors
For DIY Cola Jelly - Coca-Cola (1 mug (300ml)), 60g of unflavored gelatin, 1/2 glass (100 ml) of water
For Jelly Bottle Top - 1 package (85-90 g) lemon jelly (or any other yellow jelly), 30g of unflavored gelatin, 1/2 glass (100 ml) of water
This homemade Cola Gummy Bottle is really gummy - you can hold it in hands easily. Try my recipe and create your own tastes with other soda or jelly flavor.
Bon Appetite!
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