Take a look this impressive animals playing dead. Which one you'd nominate for an animal Oscar?
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1. Bang! Three boxers playing dead http://bit.ly/wHxZsL
2. Cat plays dead on command! http://bit.ly/K5u8yV
3. Adorable Hamster gets Shot and pretends to be dead. [Original] http://bit.ly/JNapE5
4. Best dog trick EVER - Play Dead with dramatic pug stumble http://bit.ly/hzgyuT
5. Exuma the dolphin swims atop the water & playing dead! http://bit.ly/RnArFz
6. Cat Plays Dead When Shot http://bit.ly/NgAUWe
7. PENG! http://bit.ly/yUMZP7
8. Cat plays dead after a finger shot! http://bit.ly/uUDcht
9. Выстрел из пальца! Симуляция! :-)Cat Plays Dead After a Finger Shot http://bit.ly/PJ8es6
10. Ty plays dead-dramatically http://bit.ly/RqLlJm
11. CUTE Cat Playing Dead after a finger shot! http://bit.ly/SqPFcV
12. Prove Hamster gets Shot and pretends to be Dead http://bit.ly/WTjczu
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